From Ad to Sponsored

From Ad to Sponsored

Google always tries to improve the search experience for its users, so it is no surprise to see slight or major changes from time to time. This time the change has to do with the “Ad” label in the search results. When performing a search, the user gets both ads and...
Private Marketplace Advertising

Private Marketplace Advertising

What is Private Marketplace Advertising? Private Marketplace Advertising or PMP is a private marketplace where buyers and sellers are invited digitally to buy and sell ad inventory programmatically. This type of advertising helps publishers to offer their quality ad...
What is VMAP?

What is VMAP?

Video Multiple Ad Playlist (VMAP), which is an XML template, helps advertisers to have control over the ad inventory displayed in their content. VMAP allows them to define the total number of ad breaks in a video, which also include where they want to be played in a...


Acronym: VAST is Video Ad Serving Template, while VPAID is Video Player Ad-Serving Interface Definition. Main: VAST creates communication bridge between video player and ad server, while VPAID creates an interaction bridge between video player and video ad units....